How does your role at Keysight complement your major and vice versa?

Much of my role overlaps with my major, especially when the software integrates with the hardware. I've utilized a lot of my knowledge from school but had to apply it specifically to the tasks at hand. It is challenging, but also fun to solve the problems with the system while also learning new skills that I haven't learned in school.

If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?

Don't be afraid to take initiative and ask lots of questions! Even clarifying questions or asking to explain something again aren't bad questions. Communication is so important, and it can save you a lot of time in learning something.

How would you compare working at Keysight to working on your degree?

Much of my Keysight experience has exposed me to engineering concepts that I've learned in school which are applied in their real-world applications. Because of that experience, it has helped me enjoy going back to school and learning material in my engineering classes.

What has surprised you most about interning at Keysight?

Everyone here is so nice and friendly! Whenever I need help, they always take time to help me or point me in the right direction to help me find answers.