What are you working on at Keysight?

My main project throughout my internship is to assist in the implementation of a Software called PiWeb, which connects to a database of parts and measurements from our Zeiss measurement tools. I am working on creating interactive reports in PiWeb for inspection of this data as well as determining how to use the tools to import other measurement data so that the reports can be used for all parts and measurements.

How does your role at Keysight complement your major and vice versa?

In my opinion, the most important lesson we learn in engineering education is the ability to think critically and look at problems and solutions with many different views. No matter the subject of the class, professors give us difficult problems and allow us to create solutions that challenge and develop our thinking. These skills that I've gained help me to be the most productive version of myself here at Keysight and approach the problems I am given with new perspectives.

What do you like best about working with your team?

As my team is currently a mix of virtual and in-person workers, we meet every morning over Microsoft Teams for a quick conversation and any necessary updates. This gives each of us the chance to share our success, walk through our planning, and ask for help if needed.

Did you participate in any virtual Keysight social events/activities?

So far, I have attended the Kahoot! games and coffee check-ins. It's been a great way to break up the day and get to know other interns that may be working from home or at other locations.

What’s something you’ve learned while at Keysight?

One of my favorite things that I was introduced to in college is CAD software, and here at Keysight, I was able to learn to use Creo Direct, which is a new platform for me. Less technically, I have been able to practice asking my superiors directly when I need something, whether that's more to work on, help on a project, or anything else.

If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?

I would advise any new interns to talk to everyone! The company culture at Keysight is so welcoming and every person you meet will be willing and excited to give you a tour of their area and talk you through what they've been working on. This is such a great way to learn about other projects happening around the company that you wouldn't otherwise see when working solely with your team.

Describe some of your favorite moments at Keysight.

My favorite part about working here is the positive company culture. On my first day, I joined a group for lunch and have since become great friends with all of them and look forward to our lunches at the picnic tables every day. Also, now that restrictions have begun to lift, the Santa Rosa location has brought back a weekly event called Beer Friday where employees are invited to meet on the patio at the end of the workday. It's a great way to bond with my coworkers and celebrate the end of another productive week.

What will you take from your experience with Keysight into your future endeavors?

The experience working here at Keysight has been incredible and I have learned so much already. This is my first position in the engineering field, and I will take every lesson forward with me. Working here has allowed me to deepen my skills as well as grow in confidence in myself and my abilities.

What has surprised you most about interning at Keysight?

I was most surprised by how easy it was to create relationships with my coworkers. Since I moved to Santa Rosa by myself during the summer, and because of covid regulations, I was nervous that I wouldn't have much opportunity to meet people, but I was quickly proven wrong.