What are you working on at Keysight?

Test automation software.

How does your role at Keysight complement your major and vice versa?

My role complements my software background by providing some hardware context to inspire the need for a software-based solution.

What do you like best about working with your team?

Everyone on the team has been kind and open to receiving questions about their work, my work, work interests, or outside interests.

Did you participate in any virtual Keysight social events/activities?

I participated in most virtual Keysight social events including the weekly coffee check-ins, the Virtual Escape room heist, and trivia events. My favorites were the coffee check-ins because they were a casual way to get to listen to others and do some networking before and after the event, and they were low-key.

What’s something you’ve learned while at Keysight?

I've learned about the sort of planning that goes into new projects and how involved the process is. Planning is a way to determine expectations from the project, define its scope, how to measure success, and how to forecast work schedules.

If you could give one piece of advice to future interns, what would it be?

If your internship is in-person, wander around your facility, approach any engineers whose work looks interesting, and ask them what they're doing. They love to talk about their work and you can learn a lot from your seniors.

How would you compare working at Keysight to working on your degree?

Working at Keysight can feel much less stressful than working on a degree. At Keysight, work feels very team-based and the people around you are willing to help you succeed for the sake of a common group goal. While working on a degree, much of your success is defined by individual tasks and solo work which does not accurately reflect the work experience at Keysight.

Describe some of your favorite moments at Keysight.

I was recently offered a tour by a manager (who showed up on her day off, no less) around the site. On our tour, we ran into an engineer who just received a new prototype product his team had been designing. He was very excited to show it off and since we were nearby and he knew the manager giving us the tour, the guy borrowed us for thirty minutes to explain the product his team was working on, how it worked, its applications, the design process, and answered our questions. This guy was extremely involved in his work and super stoked to share that information with us interns. His ability to communicate so passionately and so well about his work was inspiring and really highlights the quality of the people and the quality of the work here at Keysight.

What will you take from your experience with Keysight into your future endeavors?

I will take away from this experience with Keysight an understanding of technical project planning skills, effective communication skills, software solutions structures, and a whole lot of positive memories.

What has surprised you most about interning at Keysight?

The diversity in personality of employees has really struck me. There are your typical nerdy types who love their work, hardcore machine shop workers, top scientific researchers, goofy dirt-biking beer fanatics with a seriously impressive understanding of software engineering, huge Star Wars fans who love the series so much they made beer koozies that play music from the series, and so many more.